
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721



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A Traditional Turkish Palate Taste: Cag Kebab  [PDF]
Abdurrahman Kara
Open Access Library Journal (OALib Journal) , 2017, DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1104120
Cag kebab is a sort of kebab similar to doner kebab that has traditionally been known and eaten in villages and city centres of Tortum, Uzundere, Oltu, Olur and Senkaya districts of Erzurum province along with Yusufeli district of Artvin for centuries. Like doner kebab, skewered meat on a big skewer is roasted by turning around its long axis. However, what makes it different from doner is that the skewer of meat is not placed vertically, but is roasted horizontally in front of a wood fire or, preferably, embers of wood. Of course, the cooking technique is not the only difference that makes it unique. Perhaps the most important thing is the meat in this kebab which should be mutton or goat meat, especially from the leg and arms. The meat is prepared and left to rest for at least 12 to 24 hours before roasting. As this kebab is cooked by turning around its long axis in front of wood embers, roasted surface meat is cut in pieces after skewering on small skewers and then served on lavash bread with tomato, round chopped onion, and roasted green pepper. Cag kebab takes its name from the small skewers, called “cag”, although they may also be called “bico”. The difference in nomenclature is due to the material from which the skewer is made. If the skewer is made of iron, it is called “cag”, if it is made of wood, then it is called “bico”. However, this traditional palate taste is more commonly known as cag kebab and dealt with in detail in this paper to introduce and make it known to a wider mass of people.

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